2016ac15e39845c1a8d5975e20b24a04 - cloned from 103617
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- From: Canterbury Cathedral
- To: Brighton Pier
- Start date: June 21, 2024
- End date: June 28, 2024
- 0:00
- 23:59
- Route distance: 174.7 miles
- Total logged: 3.0 miles
Welcome to VU Clue Charity Edition!
Let's run, walk, swim, etc our way to solve a muuuuurder!
Our charity this round is Book Aid International!
We've got racers all over the globe! So to keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
Questions? Write team@racery.com!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
Let's run, walk, swim, etc our way to solve a muuuuurder!
Our charity this round is Book Aid International!
We've got racers all over the globe! So to keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
- Watch this video of Racery pro tips.
- Complete your bio. Include #groups to better track friends or colleagues.
- Update your passcode in settings.
- If your race includes activity conversions, we try to keep the playing field level, and conversions are based on effort, ie 1 hour cycling = ~1 hour swimming = ~1 hour tennis. Please log cycling minutes, not miles.
- To delete a log, click its gear on the right.
- Don’t like one type of email? Unsubscribe at the bottom of that email.
- If you post on social media, please include #raceryapp so we can find you!
- We rely on the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles, a good map or watch suffices.
- Only log intentional exercise please.
- Attribute your exercise to the appropriate day—don't combine workouts from multiple days.
- Activities submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.
Questions? Write team@racery.com!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
No mileage submitted yet.