VU Charity Cryptid Racery
Fundraising ($1,194 raised)
Support The Daphne Legacy!
Raised: $1,194
Contributors: 43
Top fundraisers:
1.Libby McKeighen $58.28
2.Denise Haartz $54.76
3.Polly Peregoy $38.63
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Top contributors:
1.Anonymous $219
2.Natalie Mattson $103
3.Cassie Mohney $75
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Top team fundraisers:
1.Team Nessie $552
2.Team Jackalope $432
3.Team Bigfoot $210
Latest contributions:
Team Jackalope June 30, 2023
Team Bigfoot June 30, 2023
Team Jackalope June 30, 2023
Team Jackalope June 30, 2023
Team Jackalope June 30, 2023
Team Nessie June 30, 2023
Team Nessie June 30, 2023
Team Nessie June 30, 2023
Team Nessie June 30, 2023
Team Nessie June 30, 2023
Team Nessie June 30, 2023
Team Nessie June 30, 2023
Team Bigfoot June 29, 2023
Team Nessie June 29, 2023
Team Nessie June 29, 2023
Team Jackalope June 29, 2023
Team Jackalope June 28, 2023
Team Jackalope June 28, 2023
Team Jackalope June 28, 2023
Team Bigfoot June 28, 2023
Team Nessie June 25, 2023
Team Nessie June 25, 2023
Team Nessie June 25, 2023
Team Jackalope June 25, 2023
Team Bigfoot June 25, 2023
Team Jackalope June 24, 2023
Team Jackalope June 23, 2023
Team Nessie June 22, 2023
Team Nessie June 22, 2023
All groups:
… >>
1.#2021phrc 15 racers × 33.4 avg = 501 miles
2.#2021frc 15 racers × 32.9 avg = 493 miles
3.#lionsrtw 6 racers × 53.3 avg = 320 miles
4.#2021wrc 11 racers × 25.9 avg = 285 miles
5.#fansruntheworld2021 7 racers × 39.7 avg = 278 miles
6.#madeye 3 racers × 80.0 avg = 240 miles
7.#2021phrcgryffindor 6 racers × 39.3 avg = 236 miles
8.#2021crc 7 racers × 30.9 avg = 217 miles
9.#2022frc 7 racers × 30.9 avg = 216 miles
10.#phrc 8 racers × 26.9 avg = 215 miles
11.#whovianrunningclub 3 racers × 71.2 avg = 214 miles
12.#fandomrunningclub 3 racers × 68.7 avg = 206 miles
13.#potterheadrunningclub 3 racers × 68.7 avg = 206 miles
14.#frc 4 racers × 46.7 avg = 187 miles
15.#2021phrcravenclaw 4 racers × 46.5 avg = 186 miles
16.#wrc 6 racers × 30.7 avg = 184 miles
17.#austentatious 4 racers × 45.2 avg = 181 miles
18.#2021wrcvillains 7 racers × 25.8 avg = 180 miles
19.#2021phrchufflepuff 7 racers × 25.0 avg = 175 miles
20.#hogwartsrunningclub 3 racers × 54.6 avg = 164 miles
21.#strideandprejudice 2 racers × 80.0 avg = 160 miles
22.#takingiteasy 3 racers × 53.1 avg = 159 miles
23.#youshallnotpass 3 racers × 46.9 avg = 141 miles
24.#2021wrccompanions 4 racers × 33.4 avg = 134 miles
25.#ceteonfire 2 racers × 63.8 avg = 128 miles
26.#2022phrcravenclaw 2 racers × 63.1 avg = 126 miles
27.#fansruntheworld 2 racers × 63.1 avg = 126 miles
28.#texas 4 racers × 30.4 avg = 122 miles
29.#nessies 3 racers × 40.4 avg = 121 miles
30.#2022wrcvillains 3 racers × 38.9 avg = 117 miles
31.#krakens 3 racers × 38.5 avg = 115 miles
32.#ferrytogayhead 2 racers × 56.1 avg = 112 miles
33.#2022phrcslytherin 2 racers × 54.2 avg = 108 miles
34.#holdmytiara 2 racers × 52.6 avg = 105 miles
35.#shinymetalmiles 2 racers × 52.6 avg = 105 miles
36.#sisterhoodofbob 2 racers × 52.6 avg = 105 miles
37.#owlbears 3 racers × 34.5 avg = 103 miles
38.#crc 5 racers × 20.0 avg = 100 miles
39.#chupas 3 racers × 33.2 avg = 100 miles
40.#always 2 racers × 48.6 avg = 97 miles
41.#frcbattleofthefandoms 2 racers × 46.9 avg = 94 miles
42.#massachusetts 2 racers × 46.3 avg = 93 miles
43.#2021phrcslytherin 2 racers × 46.3 avg = 93 miles
44.#slytherin 2 racers × 46.3 avg = 93 miles
45.#fanthropy 3 racers × 29.6 avg = 89 miles
46.#allfriaredup 2 racers × 44.1 avg = 88 miles
47.#fiercefriars 2 racers × 44.1 avg = 88 miles
48.#frcnerfherders 2 racers × 44.1 avg = 88 miles
49.#hhmf 2 racers × 44.0 avg = 88 miles
50.#2022crc 3 racers × 27.3 avg = 82 miles
51.#2022phrc 3 racers × 27.3 avg = 82 miles
52.#missouri 2 racers × 41.0 avg = 82 miles
53.#galapagos 2 racers × 40.6 avg = 81 miles
54.#pensieveyalater 3 racers × 26.5 avg = 79 miles
55.#bandofwitchers 2 racers × 36.1 avg = 72 miles
56.#2021gryffindor 2 racers × 35.5 avg = 71 miles
57.#yetis 3 racers × 22.9 avg = 69 miles
58.#dontpanic 2 racers × 33.8 avg = 68 miles
59.#2022wrccompanions 2 racers × 33.7 avg = 67 miles
60.#ravenclaw 3 racers × 22.2 avg = 66 miles
61.#washington 2 racers × 31.3 avg = 63 miles
62.#934stitches 2 racers × 30.7 avg = 61 miles
63.#tothepain 2 racers × 30.3 avg = 61 miles
64.#phrchufflepuff 2 racers × 30.3 avg = 61 miles
65.#pennsylvania 2 racers × 26.8 avg = 54 miles
66.#bigdamnheroes 2 racers × 26.2 avg = 52 miles
67.#makeitso 2 racers × 26.2 avg = 52 miles
68.#valkyries 2 racers × 25.8 avg = 52 miles
69.#hellhounds 2 racers × 25.6 avg = 51 miles
70.#areyoumystabby 2 racers × 22.7 avg = 45 miles
71.#unicorns 3 racers × 14.5 avg = 43 miles
72.#unicornbob 2 racers × 21.1 avg = 42 miles
73.#teamvillains 2 racers × 21.0 avg = 42 miles
74.#2022phrchufflepuff 3 racers × 13.3 avg = 40 miles
75.#dragons 2 racers × 17.3 avg = 35 miles
76.#teamonfire 2 racers × 16.6 avg = 33 miles
77.#frtw2022 2 racers × 15.9 avg = 32 miles
78.#doafoot 2 racers × 13.7 avg = 27 miles
79.#swansong 2 racers × 13.7 avg = 27 miles
80.#unleashchaos 2 racers × 13.7 avg = 27 miles
81.#wanttobelieve 2 racers × 13.7 avg = 27 miles
82.#california 2 racers × 12.9 avg = 26 miles
83.#salazarssnakes 2 racers × 10.3 avg = 21 miles
84.#teamriversong 2 racers × 9.6 avg = 19 miles
1.Team Bigfoot Finished
2.Team Jackalope Finished
3.Team Nessie Finished
1.Team Bigfoot 701.9 miles
2.Team Jackalope 654.6 miles
3.Team Nessie 607.5 miles
Athletes (63)
(participants active in race)
1.DinoSalt 80.0 miles
2.DarkOne 80.0 miles
3.QueenofHaartz 80.0 miles
4.BatAlien 80.0 miles
5.GryffinKeeper 80.0 miles
6.PippinAintEasy 80.0 miles
7.TriceraBrandy 73.0 miles
8.Ashrx 72.0 miles
9.HawkSquawk 64.6 miles
10.JustJenE 63.5 miles
11.BrickMasterJMV 61.6 miles
12.StopThatRabbit 61.2 miles
13.Moogie 48.8 miles
14.Hopping5 48.7 miles
15.HuffleJess 47.5 miles
16.ICastChaos 47.0 miles
17.CrazyDutchgirl 42.0 miles
18.PhoenixRising24 41.6 miles
19.MixingUpMiles 38.1 miles
20.TheOncomingNap 35.4 miles
21.AllonsyJJ 35.0 miles
22.CanadianBacon 35.0 miles
23.Grammy-Phyl 33.9 miles
24.JennFromPhillyB 32.3 miles
25.SpiteQueen 29.5 miles
26.KvetchyRunner 29.5 miles
27.RogueLeader 29.0 miles
28.KippyClaw 28.4 miles
29.eyeoftheteiger 27.0 miles
30.MistressOfEvil 25.3 miles
31.SailorStar 25.3 miles
32.GetitGret.a 25.1 miles
33.RandomVarmint 22.7 miles
34.Brontocow 21.7 miles
35.Gabi0303 19.2 miles
36.FishyMommaRuns 17.9 miles
37.PollyBee 17.7 miles
38.WanderingViking 17.6 miles
39.Jenni415 17.3 miles
40.kimchi_mami 17.1 miles
41.CleverGirl 17.0 miles
42.PeppyRaymaker 15.6 miles
43.DraganMathair 15.1 miles
44.Blocktor 15.1 miles
45.JHawke 14.7 miles
46.KivaDiva 13.0 miles
47.SueLu 12.7 miles
48.NoPeppersPlease 12.7 miles
49.Grainia 12.6 miles
50.SmellyMelly 12.5 miles
51.penguinfeetrunR 11.5 miles
52.tashasaur924 9.8 miles
53.MistressGray 8.5 miles
54.WitchPlease 8.3 miles
55.Ratticus 8.3 miles
56.AuntieSocial 8.2 miles
57.Bookasaurus 7.9 miles
58.QuestBleUnicrn 7.3 miles
59.E2E2 6.6 miles
60.WillRunForPie 5.8 miles
61.Staumageddon 4.5 miles
62.Rayofgrey 2.8 miles
63.dazy 2.2 miles
Recent Activity
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Team Jackalope June 30, 2023
Team Bigfoot June 30, 2023
Team Jackalope June 30, 2023
Team Jackalope June 30, 2023
Team Jackalope June 30, 2023
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Team Mileage Log:
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Team Mileage Log:
About + Join
- From: Bigfoot Trap
- To: Jackalope Event Center
- Start date: June 23, 2023
- End date: June 30, 2023
- 0:00
- 23:59
- Route distance: 174.7 miles
- Total logged: 1,964.0 miles
We are raising crucial funds for the Daphne Legacy!
Exercise anywhere you want. Then log the activity and see your avatar move across the route. Catch a Google Street View of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest mileage!
We've got racers all over the globe! So to keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
Questions? Write!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
Exercise anywhere you want. Then log the activity and see your avatar move across the route. Catch a Google Street View of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest mileage!
We've got racers all over the globe! So to keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
- Watch this video of Racery pro tips.
- Complete your bio. Include #groups to better track friends or colleagues.
- Update your passcode in settings.
- If your race includes activity conversions, we try to keep the playing field level, and conversions are based on effort, ie 1 hour cycling = ~1 hour swimming = ~1 hour tennis. Please log cycling minutes, not miles.
- To delete a log, click its gear on the right.
- Don’t like one type of email? Unsubscribe at the bottom of that email.
- If you post on social media, please include #raceryapp so we can find you!
- We rely on the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles, a good map or watch suffices.
- Only log intentional exercise please.
- Attribute your exercise to the appropriate day—don't combine workouts from multiple days.
- Only backdate logs for a race up to two weeks in the past.
- Activities submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.
Questions? Write!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
No mileage submitted yet.